International Course “Rights of Nature: Theory and Practice ”and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Program”
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I - General Information
Course period: 22/4 a 8/10/2021
Vacancies: 40 vacancies, distributed as follows:
- 15 (fifteen) federal judges from Brazil;
- 15 (fifteen) state judges from Brazil;
- 10 (ten) judges from abroad.
Target audience: Judges from Brazil and abroad
• The training hours will count for the purposes of renewal and career promotion (judges from Brazil).
Course load: There will be 48 hours of class, of which:
- Asynchronous classes (Virtual Learning Environment - Moodle): 15 class hours;
- Synchronous classes (webinars and workshops): 33 class hours.
Location: CJF's Moodle and Zoom platforms
Mode: distance learning, asynchronous classes in the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE, and synchronous classes through the web conferencing communication tool, with tutoring.
II - Registration
Period: 4/6 a 4/30/2021 - CLICK HERE!
Attention: please inform the institutional e-mail in the registration form, only the registrations containing this information will be confirmed.
When registering, the interested party declares to have read and agreed with all the course information.
III - Education Administrators
- Cristiane Derani, Associate Professor at UFSC
- Fernando Antônio de Carvalho Dantas, Full Professor at UFG
- Germana de Oliveira Moraes, Federal Judge in Ceará and Meritus Professor of UFC
- João Batista Lazzari, Assistant Judge of the Federal Internal Affairs Division and trainer of trainers at Enfam
- Vladimir Santos Vitovsky, Federal Judge and trainer of trainers at Enfam and Emarf
IV - Tutors
- Adriana Rodriguez Caguana, UASB Professor, Ecuador
- Bruno Leonardo Câmara Carrá, HwN UN Program Specialist and Federal Judge in Ceará
- Geovana Maria Cartaxo de Arruda Freire, HwN UN Program Specialist and UFC Professor
- Gilson Jacobsen, Federal Judge and Professor at UNIVALI
- Paulo Afonso Brum Vaz, Associate Justice of TRF Region 4
- Simone Schreiber -Associate Justice of TRF Region 2
- Vanessa Hasson de Oliveira, HwN UM Program Specialist
V - Objective
VI - Programming
Webinar - Dialogues of Cortes, 2nd edition - 4/22/2021 (11am to 1pm)
Setting in the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE - 23/4/30/2021
- Web Conference (1h30) - 4/27/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Web Conference (2h) - 05/04 (11am to 1pm)
Content study and thematic workshops
- Module I - 10 to 18/5/2021
Web conference (1h30) - 11/5/202 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web conference (1h30) - 11/5/202 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Module II - 5/19 to 6/1/2021
- Web conference (1h30) - 25/5/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web conference (1h30) - 25/5/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Workshop I - 02 to 11/06
Web conference (1h30) - 8/6/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web conference (1h30) - 8/6/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Module III - 6/14 to 6/21
Web Conferencing (1h30) - 6/15/2021 (10:30 am to 12pm)
- Workshop II - 06/22 to 06/30
Web Conferencing (1h30) - 6/22/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web Conferencing (1h30) - 6/22/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Module IV - 08/02 to 08/13
Web conference (1h30) - 3/8/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web conference (1h30) - 3/8/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Workshop III - 08/16 to 08/25
Web Conference (1h30) - 8/17/2021 (10:30 am to 12pm)
Web Conference (1h30) - 8/17/2021 (10:30 am to 12pm)
- Module V - 8/26 to 9/8
Web Conference (1h30) - 26/8/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web Conference (1h30) - 26/8/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Module VI - 09 to 17/09
Web conference (1h30) - 9/9/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web conference (1h30) - 9/9/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
- Workshop IV- 09/20 to 09/28
Web Conference (1h30) - 9/21/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Web Conferencing - Deliberative Assembly - 9/28/2021 (10:30am to 12pm)
Closing Webinar - Public Conference - 10/05/2021 (11am to 1pm)
Final Evaluation - 06 to 10/10/2021
VII - Program Content
Module I - Rights of Nature and Harmony: new legal paradigms and the United Nations Program Harmony with Nature
- The United Nations Program Harmony with Nature and the 2030 SDGs Agenda;
- Intercultural dialogues of the UN Harmony with Nature Program. Normative perspectives and the proposal for the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth;
- The New Latin American Constitutionalism;
- Nature Rights and Harmony: new legal paradigms.
Module II - Legal subjectivity of Nature. Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism and "Off-centered Antro" Humanism
- Nature as a subject to law: from object nature to Subject nature;
- Anthropocentrism, a modern Western individualistic model. Biocentrism, a non-anthropocentric holistic model of ancient cultures;
- Biocentrism, Ecocentrism, and Off-centered Antro Humanism: limit possibilities of other models in critical and post-critical legal reflection.
Module III - Ecological Law. Eco-social ontological collapses. Biological Extinction.
- Eco-social ontological collapses. Ecocide and biological extinction;
- Eco-ethics and Ecological Law.
Module IV - Harmony with Nature and "Buen vivir-vivir bien" (Sumak Kawsay, Suma Qamaña, and Ñandereko) as legal principles. Common, “Common House” and “common goods”.
- "Buen vivir-vivir bien" (Sumak Kawsay, Suma Qamaña and Ñandereko) as legal principles;
- Legal recognition of indigenous worldviews and their philosophical and political-legal foundations;
- Sociabilities, interculturality and care for the common. Encyclical “Laudato Si”;
- Harmony with Nature, and "Buen vivir-vivir bien" as a legal principle.
Module V - The rights of Nature in the Courts: judicial recognition of the Subject Nature. 11th century: eco-centrism and nature rights
- Judicial recognition of the Subject Nature: Cortes Dialogue - the Ecuador, Colombia, India and New Zealand cases. 21st Century: the Century of the Rights of Mother Earth;
- Animal rights in Brazilian Courts;
Module VI - Training of trainers in Nature Rights and Harmony (compacted)
- Enfam's pedagogical guidelines and the training of magistrates;
- Active teaching and learning methods;
- Evaluation for the training of magistrates.
VIII - Criteria for approval
Students who obtain full virtual frequency (100%),will be considered approved. As provided for in Art. 4 of ENFAM Resolution no. 04/2016, the frequency measurement will observe the regular access to VLE, participation in classes and synchronous activities, attendance to webinars open to the public and viewing of video classes; a satisfactory concept in the quality of participation in classes, forums, practical activities (concept to be attributed by tutors); and the minimum of 20 points in individual work (paper).
IX - Reaction evaluation
At the end of the course, a form will be made available in the Virtual Learning Environment. The reaction evaluation will provide subsidies for the improvement of the next courses. The reaction evaluation report will present the level of satisfaction of the students in relation to some aspects of the Course: performance, course planning, support from the ODL Team, applicability at work, didactic material, and instructor, if any.
X - Certification
It will be certified by the CEJ / CJF and the United Nations Harmony with Nature Program (HwN UN), the course participant that is considered approved, according to the conditions of approval described in item VIII. The certificate will be made available after completing the course reaction assessment.
XI - Prerequisites to participate in the Course
- Read all information about the Course.
- Have, on average, 6 hours per week to study the content available on the teaching platform.
- Have the minimum technology resources: internet connection and an installed browser (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome),audio output(speakers or earphones), PDF text reader,mediaplayerand e-mail.
- Fill out the registration form informing your institutional email. If the number of registrants exceeds the limit of places (40 places), the CEJ / CJF reserves the right to anticipate the end of registration period, committing itself to disseminate this information on this portal. CEJ / CJF reserves the right, also, not to take the course, for various reasons, committing itself to notify all enrolled participants in advance.
XIII - Execution